Sunday, September 18, 2011

He's on his way.

Wow-this was tough.  We had breakfast together, then snapped a few pictures together before he left.  There were many tears.  It is so hard to let your child go.
His beautiful friend Brialle stopped by to see him off this morning too.

It was such a emotional morning.

I really lost it when the girls, one by one came to say goodbye.

Madeline started to cry Friday, she has taken this hard.  She sat on his bed and sobbed after he left.  She has his pj pants and kept a few of his sweats out to wear.  She loves her big brother.

Here are my 3 favorite boys, together.

Sophia had to be coaxed out of the house because she was really upset.  She didn't want to tell him goodbye.

The girls put together a paper chain so they can count down the days until basic training is over and he can come home for a few days.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tell me when...

I will stop crying?  It's a different kind of a crying....It feels like my heart is breaking.  I am completely happy for him because I think it's a fabulous opportunity, but I am going to miss him so much.  A part of me is leaving.  I'm worried about his basic training, how will he survive without me taking care of things?  I need to let go but it's so hard. 
The crying is the same as when my Father passed away.  It feels like I can't catch my breath.  Please pray for my boy that everything is okay...

I love him so much.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Another summer gone by...I don't know how it happened so fast.
It was a cool 36 degrees when I hauled these munchkins out yesterday morning for their first day.  It was so strange not waking Ryan for school.  I've had a sick feeling in my stomach since we got home from the Dells on Monday eve.  How am I going to handle that kid living on his own?

Miss Sophia entered 1st grade and has suddenly started to act grown up.  Last year she was a bear to wake and cried to come home.  Granted, this is only day 2 but she likes school and no tears were shed.  Thank you God.  She is adorable but can make for some miserable mornings!

Maija started 3rd grade yesterday.  I still think Josie is in 3rd, how did that ever happen???  She LOVES school and learning.  She already was asking in August to go back.  She came home with a new library book yesterday and read for hours to finish it because she didn't want to pay the late fee?  Does she not realize she gets it for more than a day?  Maija is so much fun and is very funny :)

Josie is in 5th....not 3rd.  She is a good student as well.  She came home yesterday and said, "well, nobody has changed.  The boys in my class are still annoying."  Hopefully she is still saying that in 8th grade!  She loves her teacher and has her bff in her class so it will be a good year for her as well.

Maddie started high school!  One left and one entered all in the same year.  The year Mads graduates Josie will be entering high school!  This kid can never leave home, she is such a sweetie and never wanted to leave her Mom.  I have told her for years I will look funny living in the dorms :)  She is in volleyball right now so she started the year busy. 

Bad photo of Fia, but look at Xander.  I swear there isn't a happier kid on earth.  He was at Grandma's yesterday and she said there was a bit of dirt from a plant on the counter and he spotted it.  Grandma said Xander got up and got 3 diaper wipes and cleaned the mess up, then threw away the wipes!  He doesn't like doors to be left open or things not put away.  He is always on the look out for things out of place.  He's adorable!