Friday, May 27, 2011


Last night was Graduation.  I did pretty well considering a wimp I am.  I haven't loaded those pictures yet but I did have some taken of our family at home, before the ceremony.  My niece came over and shot some with my camera.  Here is my fave:
It is extremely hard to get a good family picture.  Is my family the ONLY one who argues and complains the entire time while getting ready for a event???  Thank God it's a photo and not a video ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011

 Well, I survived my first Grad party!  I think it was a success, good food, lots of people and family.  Here is Ryan and two of his cousins, Beth and Anna.
 Here I am with some of my nieces, Beth, Pam and Anna.  Then Madeline, myself and little Xan! 
 Ryan and Madeline with their grandparents, John and Mina!
 I had to get some pictures of the drink table!  Behind the containers of drinks were fruit for adding to your "drink".  Strawberries, mangos, kiwi and lemons...
 I made lots of tissue paper flowers for the tables and since I was serving a Mexican meal I decided to go colorful with the decorations to make it more fiesta-ish.
 The best part was the dessert table......yum!  They were all filled with different flavors or cream :)

Only 16 years until I plan my last graduation party :)
 The day started with kindergarten graduation....Sophia looked so sweet!
 Sophie and her teacher.  We know Mrs. H was watching their class from Heaven.
Sophia and her adorable cousin....aren't they cute!
And to add to our busy week, a few days before was Honors Convocation.  You get honored at a assembly if you have a 3.5 grade point.  It is very nice but oh-so LOOONG...  I am so proud of my girls :)

Thursday is the actual Graduation.  Then in 3 weeks we head to Lansing for his Coast Guard physical...not sure how I'm going to handle all of this.

Enjoy your day :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My baby is 18

My oldest turned 18 on the 12th.  I know I'm a bit late with this  post but I've been preparing for his High School Graduation party that is Friday.  I can't believe that he is that old!  He has enlisted with the Coast Guard which we are happy about.  He can see a bit of our country and hopefully will come back close to his Mom when he decides to have a family :)  Sorry the pictures are so little they were scanned and I'm not sure how to enlarge them...

Ryan, we are proud of you and love you tons.  I'm so happy you are my son.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shirt tutorial updates...

Here is the shirt version...
I only had 15 " for the collar and it worked perfect for a 5 year old.

I love the way it looks with a shirred waist.  The only other thing I would like to add is a mustard colored flower on the collar :)

For the dress I made, I decided it needed something, so I cut off the arms which  were the only things left from the scraps.
I decided on pockets because that girl loves to pick rocks.  I shirred the top with 3 rows of shirring.

Folded the sides over 1/2" and pinned the pockets on the sides of the dress, centered over the side seams...

They are hard to see, but they look cute!  All saggy and it!

I'm hoping someone tries this, it's sooo easy :)